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Can an active social media presence protect your trademark?

On Behalf of | Aug 5, 2021 | Trademark

Running a successful business requires business owners to juggle many responsibilities. One thing a business owner must always be aware of is the need to monitor and protect the company’s trademarks. Intellectual property can be a confusing concept for many individuals as the assets are intangible. While trademarks and copyrights are used to protect distinct intellectual creations, trademarks are used specifically for creations such as commercial names, taglines and logos. There is a specific process in place to apply for a trademark, but there are other steps that can be taken through the use of social media sites.

Register your company name across all social media channels

Even if you have no intention of actively using them all, it is wise to register your handle on these different platforms. While you might plan on using Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn right now, there is no harm in registering your company’s name as a handle on Pinterest, Instagram, Reddit or eBay. At the very least you are preventing any confusion that might follow if someone (intentionally or accidentally) registers your company’s name as their handle on an unclaimed platform. In short, you should make social media registration a priority even if you do not plan to stay active.

Continuously monitor social media for infringement

Monitoring social media should become part of your routine and this means including both exact matches of your name as well as those that are confusingly similar. A business might attempt to siphon online clients by structuring their business around what works in yours. If you see evidence of infringement, take action immediately. A trademark battle can take time, money and other valuable resources away from your business. It can result in lost profits, broken morale and damaged vendor relations. It is wise to work with a skilled attorney who can provide guidance in protecting your business or representation when litigation becomes necessary.